Programme Sponsorship Terms

Hosanna Music Ministry Inc. is committed to sponsoring and promoting Christian musical programmes as a unique way of advancing the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our sponsorship/partnership is mainly in the most neglected area, which is documentation. Our aim is to document musical programmes and make them available to Christians globally for the edification of the Body of Christ. Music is an important aspect of human spirituality, hence, our involvement in this aspect of Christian ministry.

The following terms and conditions are to enable us achieve our aims and objectives, which are primarily to promote Christian musicians and the true worship of God. Any Church, organization, musical band, choir, etc. that is applying for sponsorship and/or partnership shall subscribe to the following terms and conditions as the case may be:


We are a sound Bible based music organization that believe that God is holy and that “they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24), therefore you agree with us that:

  1. There will not be any form of promotion of idol worship in disguise, display of nudity in any form, sensual dance that tend to cause people to lust and promotion of carnality.
  2. There will be no promotion of worldly or secular music in any form.
  1. Any Church, organization, musical band Church, organization, musical band, choir, etc. that wants to apply for sponsorship or partnership shall apply in writing through the Administrator of Hosanna Music Ministry Inc. Click HERE for our contact details.
  2. Applications and invitations should not be sent less than a month before the date of the programme.
  3. Applications should contain all necessary information and details of the programme.
  4. Application letter must be endorsed by the relevant authorities and it should include the contact information of the organizers of the programme.
  1. The event planning committee shall cooperate with our team and be very free to share useful information with us to enable us prepare ahead and work effectively. A formal meeting between us and the planning committee or a section of them will be highly appreciated.
  2. We always prefer a technical person(s) assigned or dedicated to relating with our media team to ensure effectiveness and success.
  3. Useful details about sound equipment, lighting and other technicalities from the technical department shall be made available to us on time to enable us plan for the coverage.
  4. The programme of activities shall be made available to us on time, at least 14 days before the event. The programme of activities should also have the correct and full names of all officiating ministers and artistes, list of all the activities and the time allotted to each of them. In case of any adjustment after it has been submitted to us, we should be informed as soon as possible. This is to enable our media crew prepare in advance, and also to be conversant with the programme.
  1. All information needed for the post-production should be provided on time to avoid delay and poor production.
  2. To ensure good quality production we encourage that at least one person previews the work during the video editing before the job is completed. This is to enable us to correct any possible mistake and make sure that the agreed specifications (if there are any) are adhered to. Those previewing the work should be available at our office at the scheduled time. They should ensure that they do not delay the production. Failure or delay on the part of those assigned to preview the work will result in us going ahead with the completion of the work.
  1. Our social media management team should be granted administrative access to the social media accounts of the organization, band or Church, etc. if we will livestream or upload videos to these platforms. Administrative access should be granted at least 7 days before the date of the programme/event.
  2. You grant Hosanna Music Ministry Inc. the right to livestream the same events/programs concurrently on both our social media platforms and websites and that of your organization, band or Church (if you have social media platforms, and if livestreaming shall be done), and to upload the videos and audios on Hosanna Music Ministry’s social media platforms and websites. Kindly note that we do not and will not sell any of the musical work that we sponsored/partnered with (otherwise discussed and agreed upon by both parties upon through a written agreement).
  3. Most musical programmes are either not (well) documented or not published online at all, while some that are published have low quality that do not meet international standards. As a result, Hosanna Music Ministry media team shall either monitor or personally carry out, as the case may be, the online publication on the social media accounts of the Church, organization or band, etc. and ensure that everything is done correctly.
  4. The videos and audios of such programmes or events shall be licensed under Creative Commons (Fair Use). This means that anyone can share, repost and even reuse them online, offline, for worship, etc. so long as it is for non-commercial purposes. Our aim is to make these videos and audios available for the worshippers, hence, our advocacy for fair use.

As a nonprofit organization whose aim is solely to promote Christian musicians and the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will put in all our best and also ensure safety measures to the best of our abilities in the process of the documentation of the programs/events, production and publishing of the videos and audios, as the case may be; but in cases of an unforeseen accident, poor lighting, rain, internet service interruption, technical issues/faults, theft, lack of or inadequate cooperation on the part of the organizing committee, technical crew, etc. and/or any other occurrence(s) that affects the documentation of programs/events, production and publishing of videos and audios, we will not be held liable for any losses nor be sued for any form of payment of damages.